Trieste by night

Title: Italy -Trieste -Piazza  Unità d'Italia - City Hall  
Capture Date: 28 January 2003
Shooting Data: 1/25 F2.8 ISO 800
Camera Nikon D100 - nikkor AF 28mm
Keyword: Trieste, Italy , City hall, Unità d'Italia square, nightview

Title Italy - Trieste - Ponterosso channel view of San Antonio church
Capture Date: 13 Febbruary 2004
Shooting Data: 1/10   F5.6  +0,3EV ISO1600 Tripod
Camera: Nikon D100 - Sigma AF 28-200 at 122mm
Keyword: Trieste Italy, Ponterosso channel, San Antonio church, nightview
Caption: Dsc_2152.jpg
Title: Italy - Trieste - Ponterosso channel overview with San Antonio church
Capture Date: 13 Febbruary 2004
Shooting Data: 1/4 F4.2  +0,7EV  ISO1600 Tripod
Camera -Lens  Nikon D100 - Sigma AF 28-200 at 40mm
Keyword: Trieste Italy, Ponterosso channel, San Antonio church, nightview
Caption: Dsc_2155.jpg
File Name: Italy - Trieste - Palace
Capture Date: 3 October 2004
Shooting Data: 1/3 F4.2  ISO200 Tripod
Camera - Lens Nikon D100 - Nikkor 70 -210 AF
Keyword: Trieste Italy, Palace
Caption: DSC_2353ad.jpg